Sunday, September 20, 2015

ReStart: A New Focus

Listen to "ReStart: A New Focus" by Josh Siebert, Sunday, 09-20-15

Whatever your reasons for wanting to listen to this Sunday's message, let me give you two more.

1)  The second message in our ReStart series is going to address an issue that everybody who wants to serve God and others faces:  Not enough time to do everything that is important to us.  What if the way we set our priorities is backwards?  Jesus taught us a different way of pursuing our ambitions that can lead to a much more satisfying life.

2)  There's just something special about watching God use young people, and everything about this week's service -- from worship leadership by our youth band to teaching from our youth pastor -- is going to make you feel good about the future of White Pine.

I hope you'll join me in allowing God to use His young servants to realign your busy life.