Sunday, March 24, 2019

GOD F1RST - Perspective

Listen to "GOD F1RST - Perspective" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 3-23-19

Imagine what the world would look like to you if you lacked depth perception. One man who sees everything in 2-D calls his life "Flatworld."

Spiritually speaking, most people live in Flatworld. It is only when we see this life in the context of eternity that we view it accurately. This Sunday at White Pine, we will have our vision corrected and, hopefully, our priorities rearranged. It's part of the process of learning to put GOD F1RST.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

GOD F1RST - Purpose

Listen to "GOD F1RST - Purpose" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 3-17-19

In William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night, a character by the name of Malvalio reads a letter that includes these words: "...Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."

We love stories of unlikely heroes--people who have greatness thrust upon them--but it is hard for us to imagine ever being part of such a story. 

And yet we are. 

This Sunday at White Pine, in Part 3 of God First, I will tell you the story. And together we will decide how to respond to the greatness that has been thrust upon us.

GOD F1RST - Ownership

Listen to "GOD F1RST - Ownership" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 3-10-19

Putting God first sounds good as an abstract idea, but the specifics will blow your mind. This is a truly radical way to live--avoided at all costs by some, unreservedly embraced by others. Brave and blessed are those who dare to go all in!

We are going to discover more of what it means to live a God-first life. I hope you will listen with a heart that is eager to follow where Jesus leads. As all of us do that together, we are going to see God magnified in our community like never before. I can hardly wait!