Sunday, December 30, 2018

Peace On Earth

Listen to "Peace On Earth" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 12-24-18

Peace on earth—peace that creates inner stillness despite holiday hyperactivity, peace that blankets warring factions when they seek common ground, peace that alleviates fear in the face of overwhelming challenges—seems to be in short supply these days. But the promise of peace on earth proclaimed by angels on that first Christmas night is still available today.

How to Have a Merry Christmas

Listen to "How to Have a Merry Christmas" by Josh Sibert, Sunday, 12-23-18

Are you tired of hearing "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays"?  Others may be looking forward to a holly, jolly Christmas, but for you, this is shaping up to be a blue, blue Christmas.  It may be because of whom you have lost or what you don't have, or it may be for reasons you don't fully understand, but for you, finding joy right now is a challenge.

I'm not going to promise that you will be transformed into a person full of Christmas cheer like Scrooge after his Nightmare before Christmas, but with this Sunday's message, you will be encouraged, and you will learn some practical tips on how to minimize sadness and have a merrier Christmas than your circumstances predict.

Notes and Discussion Questions - How to Have a Merry Christmas

Notes and Discussion Questions, "How to Have a Merry Christmas" by Josh Sibert

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Proof Positive

Listen to "Proof Positive" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 12-16-18

Do you think God wants you to know, before you die, whether or not you are going to heaven?

Ask the apostle John that question, and you won't get a one-word answer; you'll get a five-chapter book. His purpose for writing the book we've been studying for the past two months is to give Christians confidence about their eternal destiny.

This Sunday we will study together 1 John 4:13 - 5:13, and if you join us you'll know exactly where you stand with God.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Proof Positive

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Proof Positive" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Johnny One Note

Listen to "Don't Get Duped" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 12-09-18

Jesus had a nickname for the apostle John, and so do I.

To Jesus, he was a Son of Thunder. But to me, he's Johnny One Note. That's because he repeats himself more than any other New Testament writer. In fact, sometimes the book of 1 John sounds like a broken record.

The question is, why did the Spirit of God inspire John to keep repeating himself? Might it be because He knew how thick the skulls of his readers would be? No doubt you have already heard what John will be repeating to us in 1 John 4:7-12. But how well have you been listening? I pray you'll listen with ears to hear, again, Johnny's one note.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Johnny One Note

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Johnny One Note" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Don't Get Duped

Listen to "Don't Get Duped" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 11-18-18

In an anti-Jesus world, anyone who is pro-Jesus feels like kin. But before you affirm their faith or follow their teachings, it would be wise to find out whether the Jesus they believe in is the same Jesus you believe in.

What do true Christians believe about Jesus? That's the question we will find answers to in this week's study of 1 John 3:24 - 4:6. If you want to follow the real Jesus and help others to do the same, don't miss this Sunday's service!

Notes and Discussion Questions - Don't Get Duped

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Don't Get Duped" by Greg Sidders

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What You Didn't Know About Love

Listen to "What You Didn't Know About Love" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 11-11-18

I'm sure it's not news to you that Jesus wants us to love one another. It's the one command upon which all others are built.

But just because it's foundational doesn't mean we know everything God wants us to know about love. This Sunday at White Pine, we are going to learn new dimensions of love from a very old man who followed Jesus for a very long time. I hope you will join us as we discover, in 1 John 3:11-24, what we didn't know about love.

Notes and Discussion Questions - What You Didn't Know About Love

Notes and Discussion Questions, "What You Didn't Know About Love" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Salvation Test

Listen to "The Salvation Test" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 11-04-18

Knowing what it takes to become a Christian is pretty simple, but knowing for sure whether you are one can be tricky to discern. And knowing whether those who influence you spiritually are true Christians can be harder still.

Thankfully, the apostle John eliminated a lot of confusion when he wrote the letter we call 1 John. This Sunday at White Pine, we are going to study 1 John 2:29 - 3:10, which is essentially a true/false test designed both to assure us of our salvation and to expose those who claim to be spiritually advanced but are actually not Christians at all.

I'm praying God will give us both peace of mind and the wisdom we need to steer clear of false teaching as we get ready to see our Savior face-to-face.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Salvation Test

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Salvation Test" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Staying Saved

Listen to "Staying Saved" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 10-28-18

If the gospel can be symbolized by a seed, and our hearts by soil, there are, in the church, some whose soil is too rocky for the seed to take root. They believe, but briefly.

How can you make sure your soil is such that the gospel, once implanted, remains rooted? How can you make sure you do not fall away?

In our study of 1 John 2:18-28 this Sunday, we will learn how to be among those whose faith is still strong when Jesus comes to take us home.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Staying Saved

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Staying Saved" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Do You Love Him?

Listen to "Do You Love Him?" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 10-14-18

When what God did for us through His Son Jesus really sinks in, we cannot help but love Him for it. 

But how do we say to God, "I love You"?

With words and worship, yes. But, more powerfully, with actions. It is how we live that best communicates our love (or lack of love) for our heavenly Father.

This Sunday, we'll learn from 1 John 2:12-17 how to put love for God into action.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Do You Love Him?

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Do You Love Him?" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Traits of a True Christian

Listen to "Traits of a True Christian" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 10-14-18

The language we use to describe salvation is varied-knowing God, being a Christian, having eternal life-but at the core of all that spiritual terminology is the critical question: Are you going to heaven? 

You may think you know the answer to that question, but how can you be certain? This Sunday at White Pine, we will be studying 1 John 2:3-11, which identifies three identifying marks of true faith. If you don't want to have to guess where you or a loved one stands with God, this study will give you the clarity you seek.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Traits of a True Christian

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Traits of a True Christian" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, October 7, 2018

No Reason To Hide

Listen to "No Reason To Hide" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 10-07-18

Imagine if an archeologist unearthed a letter from Jesus' best friend, written to people who didn't know Christ personally about how to get close to Him. How valuable would that letter be to you? How carefully would you want to read it?

We have the letter. 

It's called 1 John, and it's in the Bible. For the next several weeks, we are going to mine it for practical help in our quest to know God and follow Jesus. If you want to be 100% sure of your salvation and more fulfilled in your relationship with God, this is the series for you!

Notes and Discussion Questions - No Reason To Hide

Notes and Discussion Questions, "No Reason To Hide" by Greg Sidders

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Misfit

Listen to "The Misfit" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-30-18

There are those who are used greatly by God, and then there are those who are, well, like you.

Whether it's because of your wiring, your priorities or your track record, you know that you're not the kind of person that Jesus would ever call on to do anything significant for Him.

Which is why He just might.

I hope you will join us at White Pine this Sunday to catch of glimpse of God's stubborn plan to use you like no one else.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Misfit

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Misfit" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Sinner

Listen to "The Outcast" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-23-18

Most of us convince ourselves that we are good people right up to the point that we are caught doing something undeniably bad. That's when everything crumbles, including our confidence that we will be able to stand before Jesus unashamed.

But there is a story in the Bible that tells us how He responds when someone with no excuse for their behavior is shoved in His face.  We'll read that story together this Sunday and rejoice that in this unmerciful world, there is One who refuses to treat us as ours sins deserve.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Sinner

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Sinner" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Outcast

Listen to "The Outcast" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-16-18

You have tried everything you know to quench your soul's thirst. Education. Recreation. Work. Sex. Wealth. Travel. Adventure. Volunteerism. Maybe even religion. But nothing satisfies, at least not for long.

What would Jesus say to someone who still hasn't found what they're looking for? What would He say to someone who has found it, but still feels like something is missing?

Find out this Sunday at White Pine.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Outcast

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Outcast" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Seeker

Listen to "The Seeker" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-09-18

Frederich Buechner described Jesus as "that fathomless, elusive, unpredictable, haunting, and finally unknowable figure who moves though the [gospels] like a figure in an old newsreel."

But any time an individual comes face-to-face with Jesus, whether it's a character in the Bible or a 21st-century person like you or me, that encounter transforms Jesus from a forgettable, shadowy figure to a real, flesh-and-blood Person that we have no choice but to reckon with.

Join us at White Pine throughout the month of September as we encounter Jesus through the stories of those who have met Him personally.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Seeker

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Seeker" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Warfare Prayer

Listen to "Warfare Prayer" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 08-26-18

Imagine fighting a war without any weapons.

I know that seems like an abstract exercise, but what if you're in a war right now? What if that which is most frustrating and most painful in your life is not merely due to the fact that life is hard, but that life is war?  

It is. And if we want to be armed and dangerous in the heat of battle, we must learn how to pray warfare prayers. We'll do that this Sunday in the conclusion of The Open Door.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Warfare Prayer

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Warfare Prayer" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, August 19, 2018

When God Says No

Listen to "When God Says No" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 08-19-18

I love the imagery of an open door. It pictures what I believe about prayer so attractively.

The problem is, sometimes when we pray, it doesn't seem as if God's door is open. It's locked shut, and no matter how fervently we seek Him, we are met with silence.

What should we do when God says no?

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we learn how to become better rather than bitter when we experience unanswered prayer.

Notes and Discussion Questions - When God Says No

Notes and Discussion Questions, "When God Says No" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Prone To Wander

Listen to "Prone To Wander" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 08-12-18

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love.

I doubt that the hymn writer Robert Robinson was thinking of prayer when he penned those words, but every time I hear them, that's what I think about. I'm regularly frustrated by my proneness to wander when I am trying to talk to God. 

Can you relate? If so, I think you'll appreciate this Sunday's message at White Pine. We're going to learn together how even those of us who are easily distracted can keep our prayers on track.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Prone To Wander

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Prone To Wander" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jesus On Prayer

Listen to "Jesus On Prayer" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 08-05-18

Watching all the wacky ways that people pray is enough to make you never want to do it. But there is a way to recover the essence of prayer from all the rigmarole.

Listen to Jesus.

His teaching on prayer is so refreshingly simple that you can hardly hear it without experiencing a fresh desire to talk to your Father. Join us this Sunday as we learn from Jesus how much better prayer can be than it so often is.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Jesus On Prayer

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Jesus On Prayer" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The God To Whom We Pray

Listen to "The God To Whom We Pray" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 7-29-18

We know we're supposed to pray. We know prayer is supposed to work. Yet we suffer from prayerlessness. Why?

Might it be because of misconceptions about God? A.W. Tozer said, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  

So this Sunday at White Pine, we will strive to see God more accurately so that we will pray more adequately.

Notes and Discussion Questions - The God To Whom We Pray

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The God To Whom We Pray" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Why Pray?

Listen to "Why Pray?" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 7-22-18

If prayer is not your strong suit, you may be tempted to wonder if it really matters whether or not you ever get better at it. But what are you missing if you settle for prayerlessness? More importantly, what is God missing?  Here are four biblical answers to the question Why pray?

Notes and Discussion Questions - Why Pray?

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Why Pray?" by Greg Sidders

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Improving Your Most Miserable Relationship

Listen to "Improving Your Most Miserable Relationship" by Greg Siders, Sunday, 7-8-18

Downer of a title, I know. But let's be honest: Some of our relationships are not what we'd like them to be. Maybe, for you, one in particular is especially disappointing, because it's a relationship you highly value.

Given the resistance most people have to change (especially in themselves), how do we make our less-than-ideal relationships better? This Sunday at White Pine, we're going to hear three answers Jesus gave to that important question. 

Notes and Discussion Questions - Improving Your Most Miserable Relationship

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Improving Your Most Miserable Relationship" by Greg Sidders

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Unrelenting Love of God

Listen to "The Unrelenting Love of God" by Ted Bosarge, Jeremy Potoka, and Joe Campbell, Sunday, 7-1-18

I know you know that God loves you. But when was the last time you felt His love? This Sunday's service is designed to help you get the truth of God's love from your head to your heart. We're going to combine three TED-style talks from three different elders on one topic: the unrelenting love of God. I pray you will experience His love at a deeper level because of the time you spend with us this weekend!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Slow to Anger

Listen to "The Exceptional Father" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 6-24-18

You've probably heard that God is slow to anger, but has His patience with you ever brought you to your knees?

This Sunday at White Pine, we're going to look, not only at God's patience, but at other attributes of His that make His patience all the more wonderful. I hope it will be a truly worshipful experience for you and for those you share it with.

Notes and Discussion Questions - Slow To Anger

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Slow To Anger" by Greg Sidders