Sunday, October 19, 2014

Where Courage Comes From

Listen to, "Where Courage Comes From" by Greg Sidders,
Sunday, 10-19-14

Imagine being used by God to help someone else live forever.

I know, it seems unlikely. After all, most people you rub shoulders with couldn't care less about the secret of eternal life you possess. And you're not exactly a natural when it comes to talking about something as personal as your faith. The thought of being part of a spiritual conversation between two equally uncomfortable people makes you shudder.

But what if God did the impossible? What if He loosened your tongue and opened their heart? Can you imagine anything more fulfilling?

This Sunday at White Pine, we are going to study together Acts 4:5-31, a passage that reveals where the courage to share our faith comes from. I hope you will be there, because the destiny of someone you care about hangs in the balance.