Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Thing

One Thing, by Greg Sidders, Pastor, White Pine Community Church // Every once in a while, you meet someone who seems to have cracked the "purpose in life" code. They exude joy because they know why they're alive. They're not searching for who-knows-what; they've found it. // People like that are easy to admire but tough to emulate, because we don't know how to get what they've got. But what if someone who was utterly fulfilled shared his how-to secrets with you? And what if they turned out to be less mysterious and more doable than you ever imagined? // This message is Part 10 of The Life You Were Created to Live. In it we are going to spend time with a man who is as satisfied as God wants us to be, and we are going to learn from him how to make progress in our own spiritual quest. I'm looking forward to learning from him and growing with you.