Please visit for the latest information and announcements from White Pine Community Church, in Cumberland, ME.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
White Christmas // Christmas Eve 2010
Greg Sidders, Pastor, White Pine Community Church, "White Christmas" // From Christmas Eve 2010, Cumberland, Maine
Monday, December 20, 2010
Why Christmas Matters
Why Christmas Matters, with Pastor Greg Sidders. // The scene is so familiar that the mere mention of the word "Christmas" paints it in our mind. A starry night. A stable. Animals. Shepherds. Joseph and Mary. And there, in the center, surrounded with glowing light, baby Jesus in the manger. Doesn't that picture warm your heart? // But does it engage your mind? What do you think about when you remember that first Christmas? How does it connect to your life today? Why does Christmas matter? // I believe that understanding the implications of the incarnation (a fancy word for God becoming human) can make this season all the more special. That's why I've decided to step away from our Jesus Encounter series on this last Sunday before Christmas to focus on the real-life, 21st-century significance of the Christmas story. I hope you'll be able to escape the busyness of holiday preparations to contemplate the reason for the season.
Monday, December 13, 2010
How to Pray Like Jesus
How to Pray Like Jesus, With Pastor Greg Sidders // If you've ever wondered if you're the only one who is easily distracted, often bored, usually tired, occasionally tempted and sometimes even relieved to finish when you pray, the answer is no. I know someone who struggles with prayer as much as you do. // Me. // Maybe, like me, you have asked yourself the question, "Why should I pray when I'm so bad at it? // The best answer I have ever found to that question is in Mark 14, the chapter we will be studying this Podcast. I hope you'll listen and find out why this is one struggle in which giving up is never an option.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
God on His Hands and Knees
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Greg Sidders |
"God on His Hands and Knees," with Pastor Greg Sidders, Sunday 12-05-10. For the past three months, we have studied together the most extraordinary life ever lived, and now we are down to the final 24 hours. It's going to take us the next three Sundays to absorb the most poignant hours of that day, but as we encounter Jesus in three unforgettable scenes, our lives will be changed and our hearts will grasp, perhaps more fully than ever before, the true significance of Christmas.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
15 Forever
"15 Forever," by Pastor Greg Sidders from White Pine Community Church, Sunday 11-14-10. // Dear friend: The statistics are irrefutable. One out of every one person dies. // And what happens next? No one knows for sure, we hear. But is that really true? What if you could know for sure? What if God gave us a way to be certain that death will not be the sunset of life for us, but the sunrise? // I believe He did. And in this podcast, we will observe an event in the life of Christ that clearly answers the most important question you will ever ask: What will happen to me after I die? // If you've been waiting for just the podcast to share with a friend whose future you care about, this is it. I'm looking forward to partnering with you to help your friend find Jesus.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Outline and discussion questions: The Perfect Pastor // 11-07-10
Outline and Discussion Questions for "The Perfect Pastor" 11-07-10
The Perfect Pastor
White Pine Community Church, "The Perfect Pastor," with Pastor Greg Sidders 11-07-10. // We all need one, even though some of us have a hard time admitting it. . . . A pastor. // He is there to love us and to listen to us, to guide us and to give us hope, during the most important moments of our life. When we're trying to find God. When we get married. When we have a child. When our lives unravel. When we grieve. When we are dying. No matter how strong or self-sufficient we are, we all need a shepherd to lead us through the ups and downs of life. // What a privilege it is for me, Joe and the other elders to serve as your pastors! In this podcast, we're going to learn why nobody is a better shepherd than our Senior Pastor. His name?. . . Jesus.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
When Jesus Sees You At Your Worst
When Jesus Sees You At Your Worst, with Pastor Greg Sidders. // White Pine Community Church, Sunday 10-31-10. // As much as we'd like to think that we're better than average in the righteousness department, the truth is that we're all sinners. And life has a way of exposing us for who we really are. But what does God think of us when He sees us at our worst? // In this podcast we're going to study a passage of Scripture that answers that question, and we're going to think together about how God's response to our sins should shape our response to the sins of others. My prayer is that it will be an encounter with Jesus that will forever change the way we see God, ourselves, and fellow sinners.
Monday, October 25, 2010
When Jesus Lets You Down
When Jesus Lets You Down, with Pastor Greg Sidders, as presented at White Pine Community Church October 24th, 2010. // If you are a Christian, it's at least partly because there was something about Jesus that your found irresistibly attractive, isn't it? He met a need in your life that no one else could meet. And as you have followed Him, you have found even more reasons to love Him. // But what do you do when He doesn't act like you want your God to act? No one can follow Jesus for a lifetime without at some point being disappointed, shocked, or even offended by Him. Believe it or not, those times of disequilibrium are critical to the development of our faith. In this podcast, we will be studying the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John, in which people reacted in all kinds of different ways to Jesus' departure from their Savior-script. My goal is to help your faith not just survive, but thrive, when Jesus doesn't meet your expectations. I'm looking forward to worshiping Him with you.~ Greg Sidders, Pastor
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Is The Great Physician In? // 10-17-10
From Sunday, 10-17-10, "Is The Great Physician In?" with Pastor Greg Sidders. Part 5 of, "The Jesus Encounter" // If you've been following the Jesus Encounter reading plan, you've seen him do some pretty amazing things. You've watched leprous infections disappear, paralyzed legs walk, withered hands open, blind eyes see, deaf ears hear, and dead people rise. Hopefully the eyewitness accounts of those miracles have given you confidence that Jesus is indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life. // But there comes in time in all our lives when the miracles of Jesus can be disillusioning--and that is when we need one, but can't find a way to get Jesus to do today what he did when he walked the earth. // Was that God's plan? To do miracles in the past only to point us to the one who can give us a better future? Or is he still performing miracles in the present? We'll find a clear answer to that question in our encounter with Jesus this Sunday. I'm praying that what you learn will fill you with hope as you follow Jesus in this not-yet-healed world. ~ Pastor Greg Sidders
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Luggage of Life By Randy Reynolds Part 4, The Jesus Encounter
The Luggage of Life, By Randy Reynolds Part 4 of The Jesus Encounter. From the Sunday Morning Service 10-10-10, White Pine Community Church.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Was Jesus Religious?
From Sunday 10-03-10 at White Pine Community Church. "Was Jesus Religious", with Pastor Greg Sidders. Part 3 of, "The Jesus Encounter" // In this podcast we're going to see the stark contrast between Jesus and the religious establishment, and what we see will answer two very important questions: 1) How religious do we have to be to get close to Jesus? And 2) How religious should we be if we want to be like Jesus? So whether you are still investigating him or striving to emulate him, I hope you will enjoy this podcast. - Pastor Greg Sidders
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Outline for 09-26-2010 - Who Needs Jesus?
Outline for 09-26-2010, Part 2 of the Jesus Encounter with Pastor Greg Sidders
Who Needs Jesus?
From Part 2 of the "Jesus Encounter" with Pastor Greg Sidders, 09-26-2010. // "To each his own" is a well-worn cliche because it applies to so many different aspects of life--the person we fall in love with, the food we enjoy, the music we listen to, and the hobbies we choose, to name a few. It is also a phrase that is used to explain the different paths we take in our spiritual lives. But one person who never said "To each his own" was Jesus. No matter what is was that people were seeking, He always gave them the same solution. What are you seeking? What is your deepest unmet need? In this message you will observe three very different people's encounters with Jesus, and you're going to have the opportunity to consider whether the answer He gave them is right for you. I hope you will encounter Jesus through our study of His unforgettable life.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Outline for 09/19/10 // Why People Disagree About Jesus
Outline for 09/19/10, Why People Disagree About Jesus, The Jesus Encounter Part 1, With Pastor Greg Sidders. PDF Copy - click here.
Why People Disagree About Jesus
Why People Disagree About Jesus, The Jesus Encounter Part 1
With Pastor Greg Sidders from 09/19/10
With Pastor Greg Sidders from 09/19/10
Isn't it interesting how we can be exposed to the same information and come to completely different conclusions?
Certainly that was the case with those who encountered Jesus. Some fell to their knees and worshiped Him, others nailed Him to a cross, and there was a whole range of reactions to Him between those two extremes. Why do people have so many different opinions about who Jesus really was? Why is He at the center of some people's lives, on the fringe of others, and completely off the radar of still others?
Certainly that was the case with those who encountered Jesus. Some fell to their knees and worshiped Him, others nailed Him to a cross, and there was a whole range of reactions to Him between those two extremes. Why do people have so many different opinions about who Jesus really was? Why is He at the center of some people's lives, on the fringe of others, and completely off the radar of still others?
We'll find out this Sunday at White Pine, as we kick off our fall season with Part 1 of of The Jesus Encounter. It's a study that will relate to what you are going through in your life right now, and one that will challenge people you care about to take a fresh look at Jesus. So don't be shy in inviting friends and family to be your guests, not only at church but also at the party that will follow. I promise you, we'll have plenty to celebrate!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
September 12, 2010 // Huddle Up!
Huddle Up!, With Pastor Greg Sidders, September 12, 2010
Listen here.
Listen here.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Reposted: September 05, 2010 // Take This Job and Love It
Take This Job and Love it, with Pastor Greg Sidders. Listen here.
Audio from the White Pine Community Church Sunday service from September 05, 2010.
Audio from the White Pine Community Church Sunday service from September 05, 2010.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
August 29, 2010 - Fresh Start, Part 6
Fresh Start Part 6, with Pastor Greg Sidders. Click to listen.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
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