Sunday, September 27, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - Me Last

Notes and Discussion Questions, "ReStart:  Me Last" by Greg Sidders

ReStart: Me Last

Listen to "ReStart: Me Last" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-27-15

Look out for number one. Toot your own horn. Claw your way to the top. Don't take no for an answer. Fight tooth and nail. We say it many different ways, but at the core is a me-first attitude that fuels our pursuit of life at its best.

But what if that attitude is a virus that has infected our operating system and made life anything but fulfilling? What if there is a better way?
This week at White Pine we are going to consider a radically different mindset: Me-last. It's what Jesus taught and modeled, and there are promises connected to that perspective that might give you (and me) the guts to give it a go.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - ReStart: New Focus

Notes and Discussion Questions, "ReStart:  New Focus" by Josh Siebert

ReStart: A New Focus

Listen to "ReStart: A New Focus" by Josh Siebert, Sunday, 09-20-15

Whatever your reasons for wanting to listen to this Sunday's message, let me give you two more.

1)  The second message in our ReStart series is going to address an issue that everybody who wants to serve God and others faces:  Not enough time to do everything that is important to us.  What if the way we set our priorities is backwards?  Jesus taught us a different way of pursuing our ambitions that can lead to a much more satisfying life.

2)  There's just something special about watching God use young people, and everything about this week's service -- from worship leadership by our youth band to teaching from our youth pastor -- is going to make you feel good about the future of White Pine.

I hope you'll join me in allowing God to use His young servants to realign your busy life.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - ReStart: Truth or Consequences

Notes and Discussion Questions, "ReStart:  Truth or Consequences" by Greg Sidders


ReStart: Truth Or Consequences

Listen to "ReStart:  Truth or Consequences" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 09-13-15

Some things we know with such certainty and feel with such passion that God Himself must have implanted that truth in our soul.

But what if we are wrong about what we know to be right? And what if we are missing life at its best because we confuse our convictions with objective truth?

This Sunday at White Pine, we are beginning a series called ReStart by learning how to discern whether what we believe in our bones is really true.  If you want to make sure your life's operating system is virus-free, I hope you'll listen to this week's message!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - Help Wanted

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Help Wanted" by Randy Reynolds

Help Wanted

Listen to "Help Wanted" by Randy Reynolds, Sunday, 09-06-15

Jesus wants those of us who are on our way to heaven to help others go there too. Wow. I don't think about that often enough, but when I do, it can make me shudder. What a privilege--and what a responsibility!
I need all the help I can get, which is why, when I find someone who is better at sharing their faith than I am, I observe them carefully and listen to them intently. One person who has inspired and instructed me by his example is Randy Reynolds. That's why I asked him to teach on this subject as we begin a new ministry year at White Pine. I want his outreach commitment and skill to rub off on all of us. I am confident that you will be better equipped to help others live forever if you hear what he has to say.