Sunday, August 30, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Notes and Discussion Questions, "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" by Greg Sidders

UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Your Part in God's Building Project

Listen to "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 08-30-15

I'm about to say something risky, but stick with me.

This weekend is our second annual missions Sunday.

I am aware that disclosing such information is likely to produce one of two thoughts in you: either I have to be there! or I'd rather be anywhere else! But even if missions doesn't float your boat, I am asking you to make it a priority to come, because I genuinely believe that you will be inspired by what you experience. You see, this is not just going to be about what God is doing through others; it's going to be about what He wants to do through you ... even if you never step foot in a foreign country. Trust me, the part you have been called to play in God's unfinished story matters more than you can imagine.
This weekend is our second annual missions Sunday.
I am aware that disclosing such information is likely to produce one of two thoughts in you: either I have to be there! or I'd rather be anywhere else! But even if missions doesn't float your boat, I am asking you to make it a priority to come, because I genuinely believe that you will be inspired by what you experience. You see, this is not just going to be about what God is doing through others; it's going to be about what He wants to do through you ... even if you never step foot in a foreign country. Trust me, the part you have been called to play in God's unfinished story matters more than you can imagine.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - Right Side Out

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Right Side Out" by Greg Sidders

Right Side Out

Listen to "Right Side Out" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 08-23-15

I used to think I would be the world's first exception to the rule that life is hard.

I'm not.  

And neither are you. Both of us have to deal with the disparity between the life we dreamed of and the life we got. As people of faith, we know it has something to do with God's plan for us. But what is that plan? How do unpleasant surprises fit into His perfect will?
We'll find out this Sunday at White Pine. If you have a friend whose life is especially hard right now, please invite them to join you for what I hope will be an encouraging time together.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - Storms

Notes and Discussion Questions, "Storms" by Matt Butterfield


Have you ever been through one of those times where it feels like God just sent you straight into a storm you didn't see coming?  I'm guessing you could probably remember a time; in fact you may be going through one right now.  Our all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God just sent your little boat into a hurricane.
That's how the disciples probably felt when Jesus told them to go ahead of Him across a lake while He stayed behind.  They went straight into s storm in the darkness of a night they would always remember.  But they remembered it for all of the right reasons.  We know this story for all of the right reasons.
My hope is that this Sunday you'll have a new perspective on the storms in your life as we take a look at a little boat in a big storm and catch a glimpse of how friendship, faith and love created a night the world would never forget.

Matt Butterfield

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - It's A Miracle

Notes and Discussion Questions, "It's A Miracle" by Greg Sidders

It's A Miracle

Listen to "It's A Miracle" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 08-09-15

I'm not going to ask you if you believe in miracles, because every pollster would tell me that I can be 75% sure you'd say yes. Besides, that's not really what I want to know. What I want to know is whether you expect miracles to occur in area code 207.

Oh, sure, they happened in biblical times. Regularly, it seems. But what about now? And what about here? Should we or should we not still expect God to work in supernatural, unexplainable ways?

It's a question that has been begging for an answer since we started studying the miracle-saturated Book of Acts.  Finally, this Sunday, we're going to find out--from Scripture--what we should and should not be expecting from God in 2015.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Notes and Discussion Questions - The Perfect Storm

Notes and Discussion Questions, "The Perfect Storm" by Greg Sidders

The Perfect Storm

Listen to "The Perfect Storm" by Greg Sidders, Sunday, 08-02-15

When it comes to perfect storms, all of us a) have been in one, b) are in one, or c) will be in one. And that convergence of trials can test our faith in the promises of God. It's tough, when we're getting thrashed, to keep believing what God said to us in tranquil times.
This Sunday at White Pine, I hope you will be able to hear the encouraging whisper of God in the midst of whatever storm you are weathering. And I hope you will get a peek at what God is doing right now, in you and through you, seasick as you may be.